(Foundation, Intermediate & Professional)



Perfect for budding baristas, this course will arm you with all the information and practical skills you need to become a barista / seek employment in a coffee shop and start making great espresso, milk texture and latte art. This course isn’t just for the new or amateur baristas, it’s equally suited to the home barista as well.

Course Content

  • Very brief background to coffee
  • Espresso machines & grinders (types and differences)
  • Dialing in the grinder – calibration, dosing, distribution and tamping
  • Fault finding
  • Under and over extraction and control
  • Understanding, minimising and controlling channelling
  • Introduction to milk, milk texturing, microfoaming, stretching and pouring
  • Introduction to latte art
  • Being organised and prepared
  • The coffee menu
  • Workspace
  • Health & safety practices and the importance of cleanliness
  • Essential equipment cleaning and maintenance



The skills and knowledge learned in the Foundation level is taken to the next level, giving you a much deeper understanding of the intricacies of espresso and advanced espresso extraction. We get much more scientific and what you have learned to date is tested!

With the Barista Skills Intermediate course, you have the option of sitting a short written SCA examination at the end of the course as well as being assessed on practical elements throughout the course.

Requirements: Must have completed the Barista Skills Foundation course, or, if not, must be able to demonstrate reasonable knowledge of the Foundation level or have been working as a barista for a reasonable length of time and wanting to learn more than your existing level of knowledge. Knowledge of the Foundation level will be assumed to be held and you are likely to be tested on this.

Course Content

  • Arabica sub varieties, processing methods and origin
  • Dose and grind adjustment and fine tuning
  • Advanced espresso extraction and adjusting brew ratios and extraction levels to alter body and flavour
  • Using lab equipment to determine levels of dissolved solids
  • Milk chemistry and latte art
  • Creating a range of drinks under pressure
  • Applying attention to detail and logic
  • Health & Safety practices
  • Customer service
  • Financial management




Designed for the barista with some existing experience, this is ideal if you are opening a specialty coffee shop. This level will provide a much more deeper understanding of the complexities of coffee and espresso together with the chemistry of milk, water, decaffeination together along with delving into advanced latte art, financial management, customer service and working under pressure.

With the Barista Skills Professional course you have the option of sitting a written SCA examination at the end of the course, as well as being assessed on practical elements throughout the course.

Requirements: If you have just completed the Intermediate level, there should be a 3 month break before you take the Professional level to allow you to learn and develop the practical skills learnt from the Foundation and Intermediate levels. You should therefore be working in a coffee shop environment between completing the Intermediate and starting the Professional level or at least have access to the necessary equipment to ensure you have regular practice.

Course Content

  • Coffee shop layout and design
  • Grinder types
  • Espresso recipes and temperature variance
  • Milk types and production
  • CDS foam quality guidelines
  • Coffee menu
  • Health & Safety practices
  • Customer service
  • Water chemistry
  • Decaffeination
  • Advanced financial management
  • Advanced latte art