How to drink and assess an espresso as a professional

Espresso is perhaps the most complex recipe and difficult brewing coffee method. During this class you learn step by step how to drink an espresso and assess its quality in a consistent and professional manner. 

As a barista, cafe owner or home brewer this class will widen your understanding of espresso culture, and help you, your customers and friends to appreciate and identify a genuine espresso Italiano. 


Date: Saturday 23rd of May
Zoom meeting at 9 pm 
Duration : 1½ hours



Prepare yourself to become a Q grader

The specialty coffee industry is growing globally creating a demand of highly skilled coffee professionals. The “Q” grading program set by  the Quality Coffee Institute, US is meant to train individuals to become licensed “Q” graders, following SCA protocol by passing a series of 19 exams. 

There is no Artificial Intelligence that can match yet our sensorial capabilities, so if you are looking for a highly skilled program to learn how to assess coffee, this class will help you to decide to enroll yourself in a “Q” program. 


Date: Sunday 24th of May
Zoom meeting at 9 pm 
Duration : 1½ hours



Product review: Bullet R1-V2 drum roaster

Roasting coffee is in fashion and is here to stay! If you are planning to open a specialty cafe and roasting coffee is part of your business model, then this class is for you. 

We are going to review  the Bullet R1-V2 the latest model of 1 kg micro roaster with Suhas from Benki Brewing Gadgets. Join the class and ask you questions after the review, surely you will gather all the information you need before you go for it. 


Date: Monday 25th of May
Zoom meeting at 9 pm 
Duration : 1½ hours



If you don't want to miss these interesting topics, you definitely need to book your seat for the upcoming master class with Marc .